Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this Online Open Day covers all program levels. During registration, simply choose your program level, and we'll guide you to the right sessions tailored to your academic journey.
Not yet sure what exactly you want to study, but technology appeals to you? Would you like to come up with technological solutions for challenges in the world around you? Then visit our Online Open Day and discover whether we offer a study program that suits you.
  • Live presentations of all our programs
  • Live chat with (international) students of our programs
  • Videos of our campus, innovation Space, student life in Eindhoven, housing and much more!
Yes. Simply register for the Online Open Day via this form. With the same email you can create your own password. You can use the login details to access the online event on the day itself.
  1. Register via this form for the Online Open Day.
  2. After the registration you will receive the confirmation via email. With this email you can create your own password for the event.
  3. On the day itself you login with your email and your own created password and explore everything yourself!
You only need access to the internet and your log in details to enter the platform.
This is an online event. You can participate from anywhere as you only need Internet access. The event is accessible from desktop, mobile and tablet device.
Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge.
Yes. You will be able to add documents (like brochures or presentations) to your ‘’Collected Items’’ tab and then email them to yourself.
A Collected Items tab is a virtual briefcase where you can save documents from a booth. You can access files in your Collected Items tab for 4 weeks after the event and email them to yourself or others.
Yes. We also offer videos and pre-recorded presentations which are available up until 4 weeks after the event! Unfortunately, after the 16h of December there are no students available for questions in the online environment.
With the email you registered for the event and your self-created password you can login
You will be able to chat with (international) students of every program. Do you have questions about a program or the university or their student experience? Ask away. The chat is available throughout the event. There are also TU/e employees who can share information about the admissions procedure.
Send an email to onlineopenday@tue.nl and we will help you further.